Customer zone
24.1.2025 | (1945x)
Auction Date: 29 January 2025, 10 a.m. (CET)
Type of storage capacity reserved: Unused storage capacity with the fixed output
Storage Capacity: 19 198 798 kWh
Injection output (flat): 1 299 375 kWh/day (15 days)
Withdrawal output (flat): 691 157 kWh/day (28 days)
Storage period: from 1 February 2025, 6 a.m., and ending on 1 April 2025, 6 a.m.
For additional information please contact:
Josef Brůček Tel.: +420 775 877 182
Filip Červenka Tel.: +420 775 875 092
MND ES - Sample Storage Contract - Unused Capacity - 29012025