At MND Energy Storage a.s. we approach the provision of services in an ecologically responsible way. Environmental protection forms an integral part of company policy.
As we feel responsible for our region and are not indifferent to the state of the environment, we consistently apply sustainable development principles, and these form part of our company’s management system.
Our goal is to reduce any negative impact on the environment. We always seek to eliminate the negative impacts of the activity in question on the surrounding environment to prevent pollution and damage.
To this end, we are helped by an environmental management system that complies with the international ISO 14001 standard and is implemented and maintained at our company. This system is based around prevention, meaning that for any given activity we use processes, procedures and materials that prevent or reduce the risk of environmental pollution.
At our company we strive for continuous development and improvement in environmental protection. We therefore also educate our own staff in this field, and train staff from service companies and other external workers present at the underground storage facility site.
An environmental performance assessment is carried out every year. This assessment provides our company with an analysis of the environmental impacts of the company’s activities and thus enables us to adopt environmental protection measures.
Environmental protection principles
At our company we use operating fluids and other chemical mixtures (paints, sealants, thinners and so on).
All these chemicals and mixtures are properly and safely stored, including the relevant safety data sheets (for hazardous chemicals and mixtures).
Staff who handle chemicals and mixtures regularly receive the appropriate training to minimise any risk to the environment and their own health.
To prevent leaks of hazardous substances and mixtures used at the underground gas storage facility into the environment, we strive to ensure that our equipment is properly designed, safely operated and regularly inspected. Equipment is provided with drip basins and emergency sumps in the appropriate places.
The company has established and maintained effective procedures to identify the probability of emergencies and situations in which they might occur. The effectiveness of these procedures is regularly checked through practical exercises in emergency preparedness of the company’s staff.
A monitoring system is operated to detect any leaks of hazardous substances into the soil or water. Samples of groundwater are taken from monitoring wells and soil gas is monitored using air wells.
Visual inspections of tanks and product pipelines are carried out by authorised people twice a year, and leak tests once every five years.
The operation of combustion sources at the USF results in emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. In addition to these pollutants, methane and carbon dioxide are also monitored at MND Energy Storage a.s.
The quantities of pollutants produced every year comply with legislation and are well below emissions limits, something demonstrated by authorised measurements.
The company seeks to reduce the quantities of emissions produced every year as much as possible. Hence we use more powerful compressors with lower fuel consumption and catalytic convertors when injecting natural gas into the storage facility. Furthermore, the technology used for withdrawals of natural gas from the storage facility works on the basis of low-temperature drying. This withdrawal technology is characterised by lower natural gas consumption.
The operation of the underground gas storage facility unavoidably generates waste. At our company we primarily focus on sorting waste, using a waste-handling system that prioritises product recycling and takeback.
During the operation of the underground gas storage facility, hazardous waste is identified and managed in accordance with valid legislation.
The operation of the underground gas storage facility requires electricity consumption. Natural gas is used to heat the buildings.
The consumption of electricity, natural gas and water is continuously monitored at the company.
When used equipment is replaced, emphasis is placed on its energy intensity. Our goal is to achieve the lowest possible energy intensity at the company, and so we use economical heating using regulation, energy-saving lighting etc.